June 15, 2010

Oil based transportation can suck it...

Just gotta say.. The sad events going on in the gulf has created a new sales angle, and it really gets people thinking. There is one case of this that I wanted to document and share it as well.

The other day I was sitting outside of art institute and these two lovely older women came out. They stood on the curb waving big for a cab next to me and another pedicab. I asked the ladies where they were going and her responce was, "That's okay we want something comfy." I replied,"Well ma'am my interior is made out of a couch, so you will be comfortable." She smiled and acknowledged it was a comfortable seat. Her friend then says,"We're going to printer's row, but we just would rather grab a cab.. Maybe another day." Now my response was very quick witted and went like this, "Maybe another day BP will clean up the gulf." As i said this the ladies cab pulled up, but the point was made by the look in the ladies faces, and as she got in the cab she says with a guilty face, "You're right." I hope from the face she gave, that the next time she has the option that she takes the gas free way.

With this story i want to encourage people in Pensacola, Milton, Pace, and everywhere else to start being gas free as much as possible. Ride your bike, walk, or even use the pedicabs when at the civic center or downtown. Yes, there are pedicabs in Pensacola. Their company name is foot taxi. Back to the matter at hand. There are a lot of benifits to being being gas free. For example, the fact that I have gone from a size 42 to a 32 since i moved from Florida. Also you see more resturants, businesses, and parks that were there, but you were too busy killing our environment and being lazy. Is it worth your getting there "quicker" while the Earth's blood turns the Gulf of Mexico and our white sand beachs black? Don't Just wait for BP to clean it up so we can get back to our gross habit and reliance of oil! You can start today. Don't just think this is a good idea, but make it a good idea!

Your pedal cab driver,
Jimbob Love

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